Photonic Sensors Lab
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar

"The work will teach you how to do it"
Shruti De
MTech, University of Calcutta

Mid-infrared tunable laser-based trace gas sensing for ambient air quality monitoring
Shruti De's research interest focuses on mid-infrared quantum cascade laser-based spectroscopy for air quality monitoring. She obtained her MTech degree in Optics and Optoelectronics from the University of Calcutta. Her MTech thesis focussed on the development of a device that can measure the refractive index of a liquid sample quickly using lateral shift dependent light transmission mask with great accuracy. The work resulted in a patent. She authored a conference paper entitled "Refractive Index Measurements of Liquids Using Moiré Pattern".
Apart from spending time on her research, she enjoys playing guitar, singing songs and classical dance.
S De, K Bhattacharya, “Refractometer using lateral shift dependent light transmission mask.”, Indian Patent Office, Provisional Patent Application No.: 201931052014, date of filing 16 Dec 2019
Journal papers
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, "On-road, real-time monitoring of ambient water vapour in Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar using a fully automated 1392 nm tunable diode laser-based system", manuscript in preparation
S De, Ramya S, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, “Detailed analysis of the R1f /ΔI1 WMS technique and demonstration of significantly higher detection sensitivity compared to 2f WMS for calibration-free trace gas sensing”, Applied Optics, 62, 3160-3168 (2023) Link
Conference papers
S De, Malavika P D, A L Chakraborty, "In-situ monitoring of nitric oxide in vehicle exhaust using a robust 1f wavelength modulation spectroscopy technique", International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Quantum Information (OPTIQ 2023) Optical Society of India 11-13 Dec, 2023 BEST PAPER AWARD
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan, and A L Chakraborty, “Design and validation of a vehicle-mounted near-IR 1f wavelength modulation spectroscopy system for on-road measurements of ambient water vapour in Gandhinagar-Ahmedabad, India", 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4, (Poster session A2P-14: Optical Sensors - A), 29 Oct - 1 Nov, 2023 Link
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan, and A L Chakraborty, “Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser-based wavelength modulation spectroscopy for the detection of greenhouse gases and NOx”, (oral), Photonics 2023, 5-8 July, 2023, Bangalore
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan, P Sharma, S Tomar and A L Chakraborty, “Trace gas detection using wavelength modulation spectroscopy as an approach to monitor cabin air quality in human spaceflight mission”, oral presentation, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), (SMOPS 2023), 8-9 June, 2023, Bangalore
D Paul, S De and A L Chakraborty, ”Fully automated, real-time monitoring of ambient water vapour using a compact 1392 nm tunable diode laser-based system”, IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2023), 23-25 Jan, 2023, Bengaluru
D Paul, S De, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, "A compact tunable diode laser-based system for continuous monitoring of ambient water vapour”, Live Demo Zone, IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2023), 23-25 Jan, 2023, Bengaluru
S De, D Paul and A L Chakraborty, “A field-deployable R1f /ΔI1 wavelength modulation spectroscopy system for automated high time-resolution trace gas sensing", National Laser Symposium (NLS-31), 3-6 Dec 2022, IIT Kharagpur, India
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, “Compact and portable near-IR and mid-IR wavelength modulation spectroscopy systems for real-time measurements of water vapour and carbon dioxide”, XLV Symposium of the Optical Society of India, Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics (COPaQ 2022), 10-13 Nov, 2022, IIT Roorkee
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, "Trace gas sensing using the R1f /ΔI1 wavelength modulation spectroscopy technique", Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR 2022), 12-16 Sep 2022, Aix Les Bains, France
S De, Ramya S and A L Chakraborty, "Measurement of the mole fraction of acetylene at locations up to 5 km away from a fiber-coupled wavelength modulated 1531.52 nm tunable laser diode", 44th OSI Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics 2021, (FOP21), 24-27 Sep, 2021, IIT Delhi
​S De, J Chatterjee, S Chakraborty, and K Palodhi. "Refractive index measurements of liquids using Moiré pattern." In Progress in Optomechatronics, pp. 157-163. Springer, Goa, ISOT 2020