Photonic Sensors Lab
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar

"The work will teach you how to do it"
Durlav Paul
MSc, University of Kalyani

Development of field-deployable, automated tunable diode laser spectroscopy systems
Journal papers
Conference papers
S De, D Paul and A L Chakraborty, ”Fully automated, real-time monitoring of ambient water vapour using a compact 1392 nm tunable diode laser-based system”, IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2023), 23-25 Jan, 2023, Bengaluru
D Paul, S De, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, "A compact tunable diode laser-based system for continuous monitoring of ambient water vapour”, Live Demo Zone, IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2023), 23-25 Jan, 2023, Bengaluru
S De, D Paul and A L Chakraborty, “A field-deployable R1f /ΔI1 wavelength modulation spectroscopy system for automated high time-resolution trace gas sensing", National Laser Symposium (NLS-31), 3-6 Dec 2022, IIT Kharagpur, India
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, “Compact and portable near-IR and mid-IR wavelength modulation spectroscopy systems for real-time measurements of water vapour and carbon dioxide”, XLV Symposium of the Optical Society of India, Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics (COPaQ 2022), 10-13 Nov, 2022, IIT Roorkee
S De, D Paul, K T V Grattan and A L Chakraborty, "Trace gas sensing using the R1f /ΔI1 wavelength modulation spectroscopy technique", Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research (FLAIR 2022), 12-16 Sep 2022, Aix Les Bains, France